!Quick Screen Capture is flexible while capturing images from the screen. Using it, you can grab the full screen, active window, active window client, or any window, button, or control on the screen. The image can be captured as a rectangle, square, ellipse, circle, or polygon. !In addtion to this, quick Screen Capture even captures DirectX screens from the latest computer games.
You can create any hotkey to start the image capturing process. Captured screen shots can be sent automatically to the clipboard or saved to the hard drive. When you want to save a collection of images easily, you can create a filename, and the program will automatically sequentially number and save the screen captures to disk.
This program has a full-featured image editor that allows you to change simple screen shots into stunning images which can be used for presentations, flyers, or brochures. You can zoom in and out of an image, cut, copy and paste all or part of it, re-size, rotate, flip, or crop it, and save it as a GIF, JPEG or BMP file. It's simple to add text to an image, with or without a frame or shadow, in any color or size.
Just click three times, your image can be enhanced with an arrow of any size, pointing in any direction. You can change the foreground and background colors, and even add a BMP image onto your screen capture. !Quick Screen Capture features ten levels of undo and redo, ensuring professional results in a minimum amount of time. All of the image manipulation tools are available on the screen, and may be selected with a single click.
With its built-in image database, !Quick Screen Capture automatically keeps track of the pictures that you have captured, as well as other images which you have added manually to the database. Opening an image file, deleting an image, or keeping track of your screen captures becomes very easily if you use it!